logo-mdienst - Men after the Heart of God
A non-denominational men`s ministry

We would like to invite all men to these meetings. Our goal is to strengthen men, to help them to develop their full potential and to become men after Gods own heart.

What are their callings, their duty and their ministry? We will be looking at these questions and much more in the light of Gods word.

There is a lack of God-given role models and many men have grown up without a father and important things were never taught. As a result of this there is insecurity in manhood as well as a multitude of different problems within the men.

Good teaching from the Word of God will help us to discover what is missing, to overcome difficulties and to live the life of victory that Jesus has already won for us.

We want to grow in knowing the Father heart of God more and we want to prepare ourselves to become spiritual fathers for others. We want to recognize our God-given positions as men and grow in those positions to become a blessing for others.

The meetings will be led by Rev. Gary Stevens. God has helped him through personal life crises and taught him many things through it. His wealth of sound biblical teaching and life experience will be for many a great help, encouragement and blessing. We also will occasionally invite guest speakers, which will be made known beforehand. The meetings will be held normally in English with German translation.

Topic of the next meeting: >>please click here<<

When?      -----------------  The Mens`Ministry has been cancelled.        

Meeting Point:   
Lion of Judah Min.Int.e.V. (How to get there, >>please click here<<)
Reha-Mathel-Falk-weg 11
48153 Münster 

Start Time:



Registration can be made by:
Phone: 0251 760 91 29


TEL: +49 (0) 251 - 760 91 29

Lion of Judah Ministries International e.V.
Reha-Mathel-Falk-Weg 11
48153 Münster 

Volksbank Münster e.G.
IBAN : DE02  4016  0050  0292  1276 00